Tax Services

Get Free Tax Help What is TaxFellows?
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About Us

TaxFellows is a division of YTPS, Inc, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, with the mission to make tax services accessible to all.

We partner with the IRS to provide free tax preparation services through the VITA program. TaxFellows and the United Way are the only two organizations in the entire San Francisco Bay Area that receives federal funding in recognition of our work. We are also supported by a number of partners, including the San Jose Public Library and Stanford FLISSC.

TaxFellows was founded in 2022 by Jack Mao, a former Stanford student and credentialed tax professional, with the goal of democratizing access to high quality tax services for underserved communities. With the unwavering support of numerous stakeholders, volunteers, and the communities, TaxFellows has already helped more than 500 low-income taxpayers claim more than $500,000 in tax refunds and savings, all on a pro bono basis and within the first two years of operation.

Image of a calculator and pencils beside sample tax forms
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Our Team

TaxFellows relies heavily on the work of volunteers and partners to achieve its mission. Please consider becoming a volunteer to help underserved communities obtain free tax services! Sign up here.

The 2025 team is 25 members strong! Our leadership team is composed of:
Marcel Hite - CEO, Board Chair
Christine Hseuh, Enrolled Agent - VITA Head Site Coordinator, CFO, Board Member
Jack Mao, Enrolled Agent - VITA Assistant Site Coordinator, Chair Emeritus
Newchi Haung - VITA Assistant Site Coordinator
Debbie Tseng - VITA Assistant Site Coordinator
Maria Hernandez - COO, Board Member

Image looking down on a table with three people working using laptops and phones
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All of our services are provided for free to eligible taxpayers thanks to our volunteers and sponsors' unwavering support. We mainly serve taxpayers in the Bay Area Peninsula region (Palo Alto, Stanford, Menlo Park, Mountain View) and San Jose, and possess unique expertise in tax topics relevant to domestic and international college students.

VITA Program - Offered in partnership with the IRS, this service provides free tax preparation services by IRS-certified and trained volunteers to taxpayers with an annual income of $67,000 or less (in-person and virtual services available)

VITA FSA Workshops - Offered in partnership with the IRS, this service provides free federal and state DIY tax software and guidance from IRS-certified volunteers to taxpayers with an annual income of $84,000 or less (1040-NR and most tax forms are supported)

Educational Outreach - Offered in partnership with Stanford's Mind Over Money and FLISSC

Image of Form 1040s in a green background
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Get Started

Qualifying taxpayers with annual income of $67,000 or less and simple tax situations can get their tax returns prepared for free by an IRS-certified tax "fellow" (volunteer)!

We are in operation at the following sites. Please view hours and dates of operation below.

Bascom Library at 1000 S Bascom Ave, San Jose, CA 95128
Thursdays 3pm-7pm from February 13 to April 10

Rose Garden Library at 1580 Naglee Ave, San Jose, CA 95126
Saturdays from 10am-2pm from February 8 to April 12

Stanford University at 520 Lasuen Mall, Stanford, CA 94305 (See directions)
Sundays from 10am-2pm from February 9 to April 13

We speak English, Spanish, Chinese, and Vietnamese! Service is available in 117 other languages through a phone interpreter.

Questions? Feel free to email us at support [at] taxfellows [dot] org or call us at 650-485-1396. Schedule Appointment Please bring all of your tax documents (W-2s, 1099s, 1098-T, 1042-S, etc.), government-issued photo ID, and last year's tax return. If you are a foreign student, you must bring your passport.

We recommend that you complete and print the Form 13614-C intake form prior to arrival for faster service. El formulario de admisión está disponible en español aquí. For foreign students, the form is Form 13614-NR. These forms will also be available at our site and a volunteer can assist you in completing the form.

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Support Us

TaxFellows would not exist without the support of our partners, volunteers, the communities we serve, and the general public (that's you!). Please consider contributing to our mission in one of the following ways.

Write to Us - If our work has been or will be tremendously impactful for you, please tell us your story (anonymity will be honored). Your story will be extremely helpful for us to gain and maintain the support of stakeholders as we expand our services. Write to Us Volunteer - The support from our volunteers is crucial for our operations, and our areas of need vary widely from tax to administrative to general support. As long as you love helping others, we would love to have you! Be a Volunteer

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